The Lean Startup Method: How to Build a Business with Minimum Viable Product

Daniel Brunod
4 min readApr 10, 2023
Foto de Amélie Mourichon na Unsplash

A few years ago, I decided to launch an e-commerce store. I was so excited about my idea that I spent months perfecting every website detail before launching it.

I had high hopes, but as soon as I launched, I realized I had made a big mistake.

I didn’t use a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test my concept before launching, which meant that I had invested a lot of time and money into building something that wasn’t meeting my target audience’s needs. As a result, I struggled to make sales and spent a lot of time figuring out why.

I eventually had to take a step back and rebuild my website from scratch, this time focusing on creating an MVP that I could use to test my idea and get feedback from potential customers before launching. This experience taught me the importance of starting small and trying ideas with an MVP, which can help save time, money, and effort in the long run.

As you know, starting a new business can be both exciting and overwhelming.

You have an idea you believe in, but how do you bring it to life? How do you make sure it’s successful?

One approach to consider is the lean startup method, which emphasizes building a business with a minimum viable product (MVP). In this article, I will explore the lean startup method, why it works, and how you can use it to build a successful business.

What is the Lean Startup Method?

The lean startup method is a business-building process that emphasizes experimentation, customer feedback, and iteration. It was developed by entrepreneur Eric Ries and has become increasingly popular among startups and entrepreneurs.

The lean startup method encourages businesses to focus on creating a minimum viable product, a basic version of the product that can be developed quickly and inexpensively.

This MVP is then tested with customers to gather feedback and validate the idea.

Foto de Jexo na Unsplash

Why does the Lean Startup Method work?

The lean startup method works for a few reasons. First, it encourages businesses to focus on creating customer value rather than just building a product.

By developing a minimum viable product, companies can quickly get their product into customers’ hands and start gathering feedback. This feedback allows them to iterate and improve the product based on customers’ wants and needs.

Another reason the lean startup method works is that it promotes experimentation and learning. By testing an MVP with customers, businesses can quickly learn what works and what doesn’t. This helps them save time and resources on features customers don’t want or need.

By iterating rapidly, businesses can also stay ahead of the competition and be more responsive to changes in the market.

How to use the Lean Startup Method to Build a Business with Minimum Viable Product?

If you want to use the lean startup method to build a business with a minimum viable product, here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Start with a problem: Identify a problem that your target customers have and create a solution to solve that problem.
  2. Develop an MVP: Create a basic version of your product that solves the problem identified in step one. Don’t worry about perfecting it or including all the features you eventually want.
  3. Test your MVP: Get your MVP in the hands of customers and gather feedback. This feedback will help you understand what works and what doesn’t.
  4. Iterate: Based on your customer’s feedback, improve your product and continue to test it. Keep iterating until you have a product that your clients love.
  5. Scale up: Once you have a product that customers love, start scaling up your business. You can add more features, expand your marketing, and hire more employees.
Foto de Austin Distel na Unsplash

To sum it up, the lean startup method is a fantastic way to build a successful business while keeping things simple.

With experimentation, customer feedback, and iteration, you can create a product that people will adore while avoiding unnecessary time and resource wastage on unimportant features. I’ve used this method for my own e-commerce, and it has proven to be a lifesaver.

If you’re starting out, give the lean startup method a shot, and start growing your fanbase today!



Travel fanatic. Entrepreneur. Extreme problem solver. Internet junkie. Eternal Student. Maker /Creator. Certified Coffee aficionado. Brazil lover.